Place and date: Joensuu, Finland, 19 March 2015
Venue: Joensuu Science Park, Digitarium and the Conference Facility "Network Oasis"
The 2nd EU BON training on data sharing tools will take place side by side to CETAF/EU BON informatics workshops (see full program and logistic details here). The event will be organised by UEF and Digitarium, EU BON consortium member and work package leader (WP2), in collaboration with CETAF ISTC and other EU BON work packages.
Next topics will be covered:
- Introduction to GEOSS, GEO BON, EU BON (Hannu Saarenmaa)
- Information architecture of EU BON (Antonio Garcia)
- Data standards, Darwin Core and extensions for sample-based quantitative data (Éamonn Ó Tuama)
- Demonstration of GBIF/EU BON IPT for monitoring networks (Larissa Smirnova and Franck Theeten)
- Practical exercise with sample dataset (Larissa Smirnova and Franck Theeten)
- Practical exercise with own data (all trainees)
The workshop will include lectures and hands-on work, so participants are required to bring their own laptops. We will provide information and instructions on software installations. If the participants want to install IPT tool themselves, they can read and learn how to de it here. For the practical exercises it’s recommended to bring own data (taxonomic, monitoring).
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