A joint WP2/3/4/6/7 workshop took place on 23-24 November 2015 in Cambridge, UK. The overall goal of the workshop was to identify synergies and overlapping objectives across WP3/4 and 6/7 and beyond and to thereby identify applications of EU BON’s tools to decision-making, including at the policy level.
The idea for this small, focused workshop emerged as a result of the popularity and outreach achieved by the Aquamaps North-Sea fisheries infographic, developed under WP6. This infographic has demonstrated how the AquaMaps modelling tool can help answer a clear policy or question relevant to decision-making.
Under EU BON, WP3 and WP4 have developed some powerful tools, and more are in the making. The next challenge for EU BON is to use these tools to address policy-relevant issues/questions and to link EU-BON’s modelling capacity to policy needs. Producing cutting-edge innovations is important, but their implementation for policy and decision-making needs is what has real impact.
This is what the Cambridge workshop was about - bringing different players together to identify the right ways to make EU BON innovation policy relevant.
Outcomes of the meeting:
An improved vision of how to ‘market’ EU BON’s products for end-users;
A better understanding of the end-users and the barriers that they face in accessing and using biodiversity data tools; and
Improved collaboration between EU BON Work Packages and a coherent vision for future synergies.