Established under the auspices of the UNEP Convention on Migratory Species (UNEP/CMS), the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area (ACCOBAMS) is an Intergovernmental Agreement aimed at achieving and maintaining a favorable conservation status for cetaceans though the implementation of coordinated measures.
The Secretariat of ACCOBAMS, based in Monaco, ensures the coordination of the Agreement implementation and provides assistance to the Contracting Parties. In this context, the Secretariat is working on the development of an initiative aimed at responding to the ACCOBAMS strategic objective on improving the understanding of the conservation status of cetaceans at the Mediterranean/Black Sea macroregional level (the "ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative" – ASI).
The overall coordination of the project is provided by the ACCOBAMS Secretariat, according to the mandate given by the Parties to ACCOBAMS, and under the guidance of a Steering Committee. A Scientific Coordinator will be involved in the project for specific tasks/actions related to the scientific aspects of the project.
The Project Officer will ensure the overall coordination of the "ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative" project. He/she will provide operational management of the project, under the general authority of the ACCOBAMS Executive Secretary and the supervision of the ACCOBAMS Project and Fundraising Officer. He/she will also liaise with the Scientific Coordinator.