A joint EU BON WP3-WP4 meeting took place on 25-27 November 2013 in Solsona, Spain. The main aim of the meeting was to officially kick off WP3 and provide forum for discussion of the planned work. The two work packages were presented with their main aims, scope and objectives. The place of the two work packages in the broader framework of EU BON, and the cross-links between the two, were also discussed.
In the following interview Hannu Saarenmaa and Klaus Henle share insights from the meeting:
1) WP3 ‘Improving tools and methods for data analysis and interface’ and WP 4 ‘Link environment to biodiversity: analyses of patterns, processes and trends’ are two of the core work packages in EU BON that are expected to accumulate a lot of genuine data and develop new tools for data analysis and interface. Can you explain in short what will your main activities involve?
HS: I can contribute to the project and these WPs a large-scale modelling technology from the BioVeL project that can process hundreds of species. This would be an engine to compute the first real Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV).
KH: Our main activities will involve an analysis how available effort is best allocated in time and space to optimize results from monitoring. We will further assess how different sources of uncertainty influence conclusions derived from the analysis of monitroing data
2) What were the main results of the meeting in terms of the planned work and WP management?
HS: It was proposed to set up an EBV Task Force across the EU BON project. If we can do that, it would really give a thrust for the project. If we could pick up the Database of Monitoring Schemes from the EUMON project, as discussed, that would give us access to some large datasets.
KH: One main result was the identification of the concrete responsibilities (e.g. data provision, data analysis for terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity) within the workpackage and to identify explicitly links to other workpackages.
3) What novelty will the work in these two work packages bring and what will the major results be?
HS: If they can create a new Ecological Niche Modelling algorithm that can also deal with spatial patterns, that would be interesting. Such a model actually exists in MigClim, but it is not yet widely used.
KH: We will get recommendations how monitoring can be optimized and a more comprehensive understanding of changes in biodiversity and their underlying causes
4) What are the immediate planned activities and when can the first results be expected?
KH: The most immediate planned activities it the screening of potentially available data needed for the analysis
5) How will the WP3/4 interact with GEO BON?
HS: The proposed EBV Task Force would need to interface very closely with GEO BON.
KH: We are engaged directly with key members of GEO-BON; e.g. we have regular meetings with Henrique Perreira.