DataONE meets EU BON
At the Open Repositories Conference (June 9-13 2014) in Helsinki, Finland, a DataONE Member Node Implementation Workshop was held, which was particularly joined by EU BON partners. This one day meeting (9 June) outlined the concept of DataONE, which is the Data Observation Network for Earth project (DataONE). In a series of talks, the benefits of adopting a solid data management cycle and collaboration were explained.  Different ways were shown how biodiversity projects or networks can collaborate and it was demonstrated how to use the DataONE web services to access content from client applications.

Several EU BON partners of different work packages and associated partners joined the workshop and engaged in the discussion to find ways how the EU BON project and its data could be linked to the DataONE Infrastructure. As DataONE also builds a network of integrating biodiversity datasets from various sources and locations and already developed a workable technological infrastructure, further collaboration and the implementation of an exchange of biodiversity information is foreseen.
The workshop was followed by an EU BON specific internal meeting, chaired by Hannu Saarenmaa from UEF and hosted by Liisa Tuominen-Roto from the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE). At this meeting it was further elaborated how the information obtained in the previous day could be translated into concrete next steps. Also further aims of EU BON and its work on a portal were discussed with the project partners, to further develop the plans of EU BON’s data integration and interoperability.

Picture: Participants of the Workshop (from UEF, CSIC, MRAC, GlueCAD, HCMR, MfN, Univ. Granada, SYKE) and members of DataONE after the first day meeting, Helsinki, Finland.


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flag big This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 308454.