EU BON strategy workshop, 3 July 2014

The 3rd of July, an EU BON strategy workshop was held in Cambridge, to further determine the potential value that EU BON could have for both CBD as well as for IPBES. Multiple partners of EU BON discussed with Jerry Harrison of the WCMC, active expert of CBD and IPBES, and Matt Walpole, on the actual needs of both policy instruments, what EU BON can contribute and how its contributions can be most successful. Based on the hard work performed during the day, several general recommendations and a list with 7 focal actions was developed. The general recommendations to increase the visibility and credibility of EU BON outputs, also for the period after the project has ended, and are relevant for all outputs and events organised by EU BON;

- the explicit inclusion of non-European colleagues and data – to demonstrate the added value of EU BON also outside the European context
- searching actively to collaborate with other existing institutes like GEO BON and LTER – to demonstrate the longlivity of EU BON outputs
- and publishing early on successful data integration demonstration cases – to demonstrate the scientific rigour and possibilities.
The workshop was organised by CBRS and hosted by WCMC, just in time to start preparing for IPBES 3 which will be organised 12-17 January 2015 in Bonn.
Participants were: Jerry Harrison, Matt Walpole, Eurgenie Regan, Corinne Martin, Cristina Secades, Annabel Crowther, Anke Hoffman, Florian Wetzel, Dirk Schmeller, Neill Brummit, Andrew McConville, Rob Doubleday and Ilse Geijzendorffer.