From 26 to 28 January 2016, EU BON hosted its first Biodiversity Portal Hackathon in Seville, Spain. The event marked an important milestone for the project, paving the way towards one of the most important EU BON products - the European Biodiversity Portal.
It is a well known fact that current biodiversity observation systems and environmental datasets are unbalanced in coverage and not well integrated. This brings the need of a new system which will facilitate access to such knowledge and will effectively improve the work in the field of biodiversity observation in general.
Participants at the Biodiversity Portal Hackathon in Seville, Spain; Credit: Pensoft
The ultimate goal of EU BON is to create an European Biodiversity Portal which will collect and present biodiversity data from across Europe in a consistent and re-usable way. The portal will then feed into a global equivalent developed by the Group on Earth Observation’s Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON).
But what are the benefits from and what are the challenges in front of such an ambitious project?
Following the Biodiversity Data Portal hackathon, Dr. Hannu Saarenmaa, leader of WP 2 Data integration and interoperability, and Juan José Negro answered these questions in a video interview: