Vizzuality S. L.



Vizzuality is a science and technology company focused on data visualization, web-GIS, and tool development and based in Madrid. It is committed to working on projects related to conservation, the environment, and improving scientific research and outreach. Though small, currently with sixteen employees, Vizzuality is made up of an expert team of designers, developers, open-source advocates, and scientists. They are the developer of CartoDB (, an open-source GIS and mapping platform hosted on the web, that is being used in research labs, classrooms, and businesses worldwide. Through CartoDB and other projects, Vizzuality has collaborated with UNEP-WCMC, NASA, GBIF, WRI and many others.


Vizzuality is unique among similar companies in its ability to work closely with researchers to develop modern tools that serve scientific needs. The company has worked extensively in the visualization and mapping of biodiversity data, the advancement of open source GIS technology stacks, and the development of citizen science applications. Vizzuality is focused on supporting a broad set of scientific missions through the CartoDB mapping platform and will improve CartoDB to better serve the missions of EU BON. 


  • Extend the GeoCAT Red List Assessment Tool to make use of EU BON services using CartoDB, enabling new types of analyses such as gap and richness analyses (WP6)
  • Vizzuality will also be using GeoCAT and CartoDB to demonstrate and report on the use of EU BON service orchestration for Red List species assessments. A demonstration project using endangered species data, and other EU BON available data, screencast and online documentation will be produced in addition to a promotional video showcasing the usefulness of the integration and new functionalities. (WP5)
  • Provide UI design expertise for imagery analysis (WP3)


WP 3 Improving tools and methods for data analysis and interface
WP 5 EU BON testing and validation of concepts, tools, and services
WP 6 Stakeholder engagement and science-policy dialogue
WP 8 Dissemination and outreach


  • Citizen Science Alliance
  • GeoCAT
  • CartoDB


Diego Cano 

  • Coordinator for Vizzuality contributions to EU BON project
  • Interaction and graphic designer at Vizzuality with encyclopedic knowledge of all good music originating in hominids

Sergio Álvarez 

  • Lead designer and co-founder of Vizzuality
  • Expert in visualization, information and interface design who has previously trained felids to ride skateboards

Javier de la Torre 

  • CEO and co-founder of Vizzuality
  • Over 10 years of work in the fields of biodiversity informatics and GIS, well- known for popularizing Puma concolor in online maps everywhere

Dr. Andrew W. Hill 

  • Senior scientist at Vizzuality
  • Expert in biodiversity informatics with a focus on big data and mapping services who avoids extant Carcharodon in the Atlantic.


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news NEWS

   26 SEP 2018
EU BON research keeps flowing: Downscaling and the automation of species monitoring

Biodiversity data are sparse, biased and collected at many resolutions. So techniques are needed ...

   25 APR 2018
Stemming from EU BON, new research calls for action: Overcoming the barriers to the use of conservation science in policy

Just accepted, a new paper in Conservation Letters looks at the barriers and solutions to the use...

   8 MAR 2018
New EU BON research reviews the most relevant sources for European biodiversity observation data to identifying important barriers and fill gaps

Recently published in Biological Conservation, the new EU BON supported paper is titled "Unl...


calendar CALENDAR

flag big This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 308454.