WP6 Stakeholder engagement and science-policy dialogue



  • To review policy requirements for biodiversity data at European and national  levels
  • To carry out regular engagement with relevant political authorities and other stakeholders at European and national levels in support of the delivery of the EU BON project
  • To identify and pilot new approaches to overcome barriers to the effective use of biodiversity data in conservation policy at European and national levels
  • To build up stakeholder dialogue with exemplar sector-specific user communities
  • To refine interactive visualisation and decision support tools

Key messages

  • Political commitment and policy instruments to halt biodiversity loss require that biodiversity data are made discoverable, accessible and digestible
  • Effective strategies and processes are needed to overcome barriers for data mobilisation and use in conservation policy
  • Interactive user interfaces for data visualisation can support decision-making effectively

Credit: Scriberia


Task 6.1 Review policy and stakeholder requirements for biodiversity data 
Task 6.2 EU BON stakeholder round table 
Task 6.3 In-depth analysis of biodiversity data use in conservation policy 
Task 6.4 Sector specific stakeholder engagement with user communities 
Task 6.5 Testing and refining interactive visualisation and decision support tools 
  • Three stakeholder round tables, focusing on ‘Requirements for policy’, "Citizen science", and "Biodiversity data workflow". A final round table is in the planning
  • A set of refined visualisation and decision-support tools, using data from the AquaMaps portal. For one of these, an infographic published in the 2015 Green week issue of The Parliament Magazine explains projected impacts of climate change on fish community composition in the North Sea
  • An improved user interface for the Geospatial Conservation Assessment Tool (GeoCAT), used by a number of expert groups to assess the conservation status of species
  • A peer-reviewed article by Geijzendorffer et al. (2015) looking at how an "Essential Biodiversity Variables" (EBVs) approach could be used to bridge the gap between biodiversity data and policy reporting needs, under seven global and European biodiversity policy instruments 
  • A peer-reviewed article by Wetzel et al. (2015) describing what regional Biodiversity Observation Networks ("BONs") can do to help bring down barriers preventing existing data from being discoverable, accessible and digestible
  • A Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Technical Series report by Secades et al. (2014) reviewing current approaches and future opportunities for tracking progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, in the context of earth observation. The main findings can be found in a peer-reviewed article by O’Connor et al. (2015)
  • A growing cross-work package list of EU BON "products" and associated factsheets (for a subset), to communicate their relevance to various user types, ranging from citizen-scientists, researchers, environmental managers, spatial planners, data managers/curators/creators, policy-level users, and the wider public. This list is under development and will be made public on the European Biodiversity Portal, once live.
  • A set of visualisations based on CartoDB, aiming to showcase selected EU BON achievements



Corinne Martin  Lauren Weatherdon  Katherine Despot-Belmonte 

Senior Programme Officer

Programme Officer

Assistant Programme Officer
Marine Programme, UNEP-WCMC Marine Programme, UNEP-WCMC Ecosystem Assessment Programme, UNEP-WCMC

WP Leader

Deputy WP Leader

Project contributor



































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news NEWS

   26 SEP 2018
EU BON research keeps flowing: Downscaling and the automation of species monitoring

Biodiversity data are sparse, biased and collected at many resolutions. So techniques are needed ...

   25 APR 2018
Stemming from EU BON, new research calls for action: Overcoming the barriers to the use of conservation science in policy

Just accepted, a new paper in Conservation Letters looks at the barriers and solutions to the use...

   8 MAR 2018
New EU BON research reviews the most relevant sources for European biodiversity observation data to identifying important barriers and fill gaps

Recently published in Biological Conservation, the new EU BON supported paper is titled "Unl...


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flag big This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 308454.